ICYMI: ‘CEOs Help to Build America’s Ever-Ready Workforce’

April 30, 2024

In a Medium blog post, Business Roundtable Senior Vice President of Corporate Initiatives Dane Linn details how the public and private sectors can collaborate and build a skilled U.S. workforce.

Linn outlines the role Roundtable CEOs play in helping to develop an ever-ready workforce and expand economic opportunity. He also highlights that CEOs support and continue to urge Congress to pass bipartisan legislation to improve our country’s workforce development system. 


CEOs Help to Build America’s Ever-Ready Workforce

By: Dane Linn

Read the full blog post online HERE.


“Today across America, nearly 9 million jobs are unfilled. Yet, employers struggle to find workers with the skills or education needed for many of these open positions.
“Business Roundtable CEOs are taking action to help solve this challenge. Their efforts were the focus of a recent CEO Workforce Forum that Business Roundtable convened for lawmakers, policy advocates, business leaders and other vital stakeholders. 
“Through Business Roundtable’s Corporate Initiatives, CEOs collaborate on efforts to address common workforce challenges. They come together to expand high-quality apprenticeships, partner with community colleges and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), promote second chance hiring and develop a cybersecurity talent pipeline. 
“… In addition to their direct actions, Business Roundtable members continue to work with bipartisan policymakers to pass legislation to improve our country’s public workforce development system. CEOs understand that the system today fails to equip workers with the skills and education they need to thrive in a rapidly evolving economy. 
“… Business Roundtable strongly supports A Stronger Workforce for America Act, which recently passed the U.S. House of Representatives with overwhelming bipartisan support. Additionally, the Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act would open the door for more students to enroll in high-quality, short-term job training programs. 
“… Together, we can help build America’s ever-ready workforce.”


On March 6, 2024, Business Roundtable hosted a CEO Workforce Forum. The event included panel discussions featuring Roundtable CEOs, policymakers and thought leaders. Panelists explored how public policies and private sector initiatives can help ensure workers have the skills they need to thrive and adapt in a rapidly-changing economy.

For more on Business Roundtable Corporate Initiatives, click below.
