
America Needs a National Consumer Privacy Law

Currently, consumers don’t feel like they have control over their personal data and how it is collected, used and shared.
Currently, consumers don’t feel like they have control over their personal data and how it is collected, used and shared.
And U.S. privacy laws are highly fragmented across industries and jurisdictions.
Currently, consumers don’t feel like they have control over their personal data and how it is collected, used and shared.
Both consumers and companies are hurt by a patchwork of state and federal privacy regulations.
The lack of a uniform national privacy law undermines consumer trust in industry.
Currently, consumers don’t feel like they have control over their personal data and how it is collected, used and shared.

An even more complicated and growing set of regulations exist around the world – from Europe to Brazil to China and elsewhere.

That leaves companies on their own to navigate through the confusion and consumers with a disjointed experience and privacy expectations.

That is why over 200 CEOs of America’s leading companies agree: the U.S. needs a national consumer privacy law.

A national privacy law should…

Enhance consumer privacy protections and foster U.S competitiveness and innovation.

Establish individual data privacy rights and provide clear obligations for how companies handle personal data.

Address fragmentation, preempt state and local privacy requirements and be interoperable.
