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Federal Social Security & Medicare Outlays as a Share of GDP

  • Source: Historical data from Congressional Budget Office, “The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2014 to 2024,” Table 3-1; Projections from “Long Term Budget Outlook: Supplemental Tables,” Table 1
  • Note: Projections are based on CBO’s extended baseline scenario.  Included in the chart are the projected depletion dates for three components of the Social Security and Medicare programs: Disability Insurance (DI), Hospital Insurance (HI), and Old Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI).  These dates represent the point at which the Social Security and Medicare Boards of Trustees project the Trust Fund assets will no longer be sufficient to pay promised benefits.

Millions of Individuals Covered by Employment-Based Health Insurance

  • Source: Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Health Insurance, Historical Table HIB-1
  • Note: Data represents the number of individuals (across all sectors) who are covered by employment-based private health insurance.  This excludes those covered by government health insurance (i.e., Medicaid, Medicare, and military plans) and those covered by direct purchase private health insurance. 

Millions of Individuals Participating in Employment-Based Retirement Plans

  • Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration, “Private Pension Plan Bulletin Historical Tables and Graphs,” Table E5
  • Note: Data represents the number of individuals participating in pension plans, and is broken into two types of plans: direct contribution and direct benefit. 

Employer Contributions for Employee Benefits

  • Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employer Costs for Employee Compensation, Table 1
  • Note: Data represents employer costs for employee compensation among all civilian workers (all occupations).  It includes compensation in the form of health insurance, retirement and savings, and Social Security and Medicare taxes.  It does not include wages and salaries.  Annual estimates represent the four-quarter average for each year.

General Inflation (Chained CPI)

  • Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index, “All Urban Consumers: Chained CPI” Database
  • Note: Data represents the year-on-year change in the average annual level of chained-CPI for all urban consumers.  Chained-CPI is an alternative measurement of the Consumer Price Index that is designed to incorporate consumers’ behavior in response to price changes (e.g., product substitutions, changes in spending habits). 

Chained CPI-U: Medical Care Services

  • Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index, Table 1
  • Note: Data represents the year-on-year change in the average annual level of one component of the chained-CPI for all urban consumers: medical care services.  Medical care services include both physicians’ services and hospital services.

S&P Healthcare Claims Total Cost Index

  • Source: S&P Dow Jones, “S&P Healthcare Claims National All Business FFS Total Cost Index M3,” (via “Export” option)
  • Note: The index value (where March 2008 = 100) measures changes in healthcare costs, based on claims data.  Data is calculated by S&P monthly and published with a lag of 3-4 months.  Business Roundtable then smoothed this data using a 3 month moving average.
  • Copyright © 2014, Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC.  Reproduction of S&P Healthcare Claims National All Business FFS Total Cost Index M3 in any form is prohibited except with the prior written permission of S&P.  S&P does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, or availability of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions, regardless of the cause or for the results obtained from the use of such information.  S&P DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BY NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE.  In no event shall S&P be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, costs, expenses, legal fees, or losses (including lost income or lost profit and opportunity costs) in connection with subscriber’s or others’ use of S&P Healthcare Claims National All Business FFS Total Cost Index M3.


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