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BRT Commends Senate Appropriations

Washington, D.C.- Business Roundtable today praised the Senate Committee on Appropriations for approving supplemental funding for science and engineering research and math and science education.

“We are grateful to Senators Byrd, Cochran, Dorgan, Domenici, Mikulski, Shelby, Durbin and Alexander for their leadership,” said John Castellani, president of Business Roundtable. “Their efforts to strengthen science and engineering research and math and science education will improve U.S. economic performance and better prepare U.S. students for an increasingly competitive and technology-intensive work environment.”

The Fiscal Year 2008 consolidated appropriations bill reported out of committee today includes $200 million for science and engineering research and math and science education at the National Science Foundation, and $100 million for science and engineering research at the Office of Science in the Department of Energy.

Business Roundtable continues to lead the U.S. business community’s efforts to promote enhanced U.S. competitiveness. In July 2005, the Roundtable joined with 15 other leading business associations to form the “Tapping America’s Potential” coalition and has, since that time, met with policymakers at all levels of government to urge for full funding of programs designed to boost U.S. innovation leadership.

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