Bottom Line: Catalyst for Growth: America’s Hybrid Infrastructure

June 28, 2013

Business Roundtable today unveiled a new report, titled Catalyst for Growth: America’s Hybrid Infrastructure, that urges America’s public and private sector leaders to keep up with today’s advancing technology by facilitating the deployment of hybrid infrastructure – the integration of physical infrastructure and digital technology.

The report highlights five leading examples of hybrid infrastructure – cloud computing, mobile payment systems, sensor networks, the smart grid and NextGen – recommends policy solutions and details the U.S. benefits of this technology, including:

  • Capacity expansion: Increase utilization of both existing and new infrastructure.
  • Time savings and convenience: Reduce congestion in travel systems, simplify routine operations and enable more informed decision-making.
  • Cost savings: Minimize waste, boost efficiency and create more flexibility in the provision of key services.
  • Improved reliability: Reduce unpredictability and interruptions in the provision of key services.
  • Enhanced safety: Improve resiliency to outside threats and interruptions.

The full report can be viewed here. Click here to read Cognizant CEO Francisco D’Souza’s accompanying op-ed published in InformationWeek.

Business Roundtable also released two Vines through its Twitter account. Click here to watch the first Vine that defines hybrid infrastructure. Click here to watch the second Vine that provides an example of the technology in practice through a traffic management application.
