BRT Praises House for Bipartisan Approval of CISPA

April 27, 2012

Washington – In a statement today, John Engler, President of Business Roundtable (BRT) praised the U.S. House of Representatives for its bipartisan approval of H.R. 3523, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA).

“Today’s vote represents an important step in creating a framework for the effective sharing of cybersecurity information – which is vital if the United States is to combat the growing global threat posed by cyber crime and cyber terrorism. We thank Chairman Rogers and Representative Ruppersberger for their strong bipartisan leadership on this vital issue.

“Improving America’s cybersecurity cannot wait, and this legislation should not be viewed as ‘mission accomplished.’ While CISPA represents an essential component in developing a more robust and responsive cybersecurity infrastructure, we must continually evolve our defenses to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. This will take a strong and ongoing cooperative effort between the government and the private sector.”

Read more about BRT’s recommendations for effective cybersecurity in its recent paper Mission Critical: A Public-Private Strategy for Effective Cybersecurity.
