Business Leaders Unite in Urging Congress and the Administration to Continue Bipartisan Infrastructure Negotiations, Ensuring Durable and Long-Term Legislation

June 16, 2021

Washington – Today, Joshua Bolten, President & CEO of Business Roundtable, Jay Timmons, President and CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers, and Suzanne Clark, President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, issued the following statement:

“There is a clear path forward for bipartisan agreement on meaningful infrastructure legislation. We urge Congress and the Administration to seize this opportunity – one that has eluded policymakers for years – to enact significant investment and durable reforms that would strengthen the economic recovery and create the conditions for high-paying jobs over the long-term.
“Our organizations are united in the belief that a major investment in physical infrastructure can, and should, be financed in a manner that will help grow our economy and enable U.S. businesses to compete globally as we emerge from the pandemic. Specifically, instead of tax increases that would harm American businesses and workers, Congress can fund these critical infrastructure investments with a combination of public-private partnerships, user fees, and reallocated unused federal appropriations, among others. We also believe that public debt and bonding authority is an appropriate and logical funding source for capital projects with a multi-decade useful life span.
“A bipartisan deal is within reach, and at a time when our competitiveness around the globe is at stake. Congress and the Administration should continue bipartisan negotiations and pursue a regular order process. Now is the time to do the right thing for the country – not fall further behind.”