Business Roundtable Announces New Policy, Government Relations and Advocacy Hires

Washington – Business Roundtable today announced five new staff hires in its policy, government relations and advocacy departments: Javier Gamboa, Jonay Foster Holkins, Paul Jackson, Catherine Schultz and Nicole Vasilaros. 

“Business Roundtable is thrilled to welcome these new members of our staff,” said Business Roundtable President & CEO Joshua Bolten. “We look forward to adding their impressive skillsets to our team as we continue working for greater opportunity, equity and economic growth in the United States.”


Gamboa, Holkins, Jackson, Schultz and Vasilaros will serve in the following roles:

Javier Gamboa as Senior Director, Government Relations, to conduct outreach to the U.S. Congress and the Administration to advocate for policies that promote economic growth and job creation. Gamboa previously served in both chambers on Capitol Hill for over 11 years, most recently as Senior Professional Staff Member for the majority at the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis.

Jonay Foster Holkins as Senior Director, Policy, to oversee the Roundtable’s racial equity and justice policy agenda. Holkins previously served as Counsel for Congressman David N. Cicilline and was a senior litigation associate at a D.C. law firm prior to moving to Capitol Hill.

Paul Jackson as Vice President, Government Relations, to engage with Congress, the Administration and relevant government agencies on behalf of the Roundtable. Jackson previously served at the Federal Communications Commission as director of the Office of Legislative Affairs and as associate bureau chief of the Media Bureau. Earlier in his career, he worked in Congress and the private sector.

Catherine Schultz as Vice President, Tax and Fiscal Policy, to oversee tax and advocacy efforts that promote U.S. economic growth, competitiveness and job creation. Schultz previously served as Vice President for Tax Policy at the National Foreign Trade Council for almost 15 years. Earlier in her career, she was a principal at Capitol Strategies Group and Tax Director at WorldCom.

Nicole Vasilaros as Vice President, Advocacy and Government Relations, to engage with Congress, the Administration, and third party organizations on behalf of the Roundtable. Vasilaros previously served as the Senior Vice President of Government and Legal Affairs for the National Marine Manufacturers Association for 10 years. Earlier in her career, Vasilaros worked on Capitol Hill.

Read their full biographies here

May 7, 2021