Business Roundtable Applauds Congress and the Administration for Raising the Debt Ceiling

June 2nd, 2023

Washington - Business Roundtable CEO Joshua Bolten today released the following statement after the Senate approved the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 last night:

“Business Roundtable commends the Senate for acting swiftly on bipartisan legislation to raise the debt ceiling. We are grateful that the threat of a default has been lifted and thank President Biden, Speaker McCarthy and Members of Congress for ensuring the United States will continue to honor its financial obligations.
“There is no question that we need to address our growing debt and deficits, and we welcome the steps this bill takes to begin addressing our fiscal situation. The Fiscal Responsibility Act also makes meaningful reforms to the permitting process, which will grow our economy and create American jobs. We encourage policymakers to build on this progress by enacting additional reforms that will make it easier to build new energy projects.
“In the months ahead, we stand ready to work with Congress and the Administration on policies that strengthen our economy and competitiveness.”