Business Roundtable: CEOs Call for Equality and Tolerance

August 14, 2017

Washington – Responding to the violence in Charlottesville, Va., Business Roundtable today issued the following statement condemning the racism and attacks in Charlottesville, Va.

Business Roundtable Chairman Jamie Dimon, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of JPMorgan Chase, and Joshua Bolten, President and CEO of Business Roundtable said:

“America’s business leaders are shocked at the violence that took place in Charlottesville, and we mourn the unnecessary loss of life. Racism has no place in our businesses, our communities, or our country.”
“The CEOs of Business Roundtable will never accept such intolerance and hate. We will continue to build our companies around the principles of respect, trust and equal opportunity to all our employees.”
“The business community will build on our strong record of leadership to stand against racism to promote equality and acceptance.”