Business Roundtable Letter to Senate in Support of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

November 29, 2017

Dear Members of the United States Senate:

Business Roundtable urges you to vote in favor of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to achieve pro-growth, pro-business, pro-worker tax reform by the end of the year.

Business Roundtable member CEOs believe that tax reform is the single most effective action that Congress can take to accelerate economic growth. According to a recent Business Roundtable survey, 82 percent of CEOs said they would increase capital spending if tax reform is enacted, and 76 percent would increase hiring. These new hires would add to the more than 16 million workers employed today by Business Roundtable companies.

The urgency of tax reform cannot be overstated. Nearly every developed country has taken bold action to achieve a tax advantage over the United States. Tax reform should end the competitive tax disadvantage that U.S. companies face every day in the global marketplace. Reforming our nation’s tax system will help U.S. companies invest capital, hire workers and increase wages.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act being debated on the Senate floor represents an extraordinary opportunity to position American companies and workers to thrive in the global economy. Business Roundtable will continue to work with both the House and the Senate to achieve the most competitive and pro-growth legislation possible.

Your vote in favor of this crucial legislation is a vote for American families and American workers. Business Roundtable asks for your support to ensure that pro-growth tax reform is enacted as soon as possible.


Joshua Bolten
