Business Roundtable Releases Report on Opportunities to Advance U.S. Leadership in Global Clean Energy Supply Chains
Washington – Ahead of COP28, Business Roundtable today released a report titled, “Strengthening Global Clean Energy Supply Chains.” The report examines opportunities for the United States to accelerate the sourcing, manufacture, deployment and scaling up of clean and advanced energy technologies and their associated infrastructure to relieve pressure on global supply chains and advance U.S. leadership.
“As the clean energy transition continues to put pressure on global energy supply chains, it’s increasingly important for the United States to strengthen its leadership in the advancement and deployment of alternative energy technologies. Business Roundtable’s report outlines actions policymakers can take to improve the security, resiliency and efficiency of energy and technology supply chains,” said George Oliver, Business Roundtable Energy and Environment Committee Chair and Chairman and CEO of Johnson Controls. “Addressing supply chain challenges today will help to achieve ambitious climate goals while supporting domestic manufacturing jobs and positioning the U.S. as a global leader in the clean energy transition.”
The report outlines actions policymakers can take to bolster supply chain resiliency and position the United States for domestic success and global energy leadership, including:
- Ensuring access to critical minerals and materials;
- Facilitating domestic manufacturing;
- Supporting reliable component imports where necessary; and
- Effectively deploying and connecting key technologies.
For the full report, click here.