Business Roundtable Statement on Administration’s Decision to Impose Tariffs on Additional $200 Billion Worth of Chinese Products
September 18, 2018
Washington — Business Roundtable today issued the following statement regarding the Administration’s decision to impose tariffs on an additional $200 billion worth of Chinese products:
“The Administration has correctly identified the real problem of China’s discriminatory trade practices. But unilaterally imposing tariffs is the wrong way to achieve real reforms, with this latest escalation threatening further harm to U.S. businesses and workers.
“Business Roundtable’s recommendations for reforms – both to liberalize the Chinese market and ensure fair treatment of U.S. companies – should be used by the Administration to guide their negotiations with China. Moreover, the Administration should work with allies who are aligned with these goals to create a united global front for long-term reforms in China.”
To see Business Roundtable’s recommendations for Chinese reforms to address trade and investment barriers, click here.