Business Roundtable Statement on American Jobs Plan

March 31, 2021

Washington – Business Roundtable President & CEO Joshua Bolten today issued the following statement in response to President Biden’s American Jobs Plan: 

“While Business Roundtable continues to support infrastructure investment, we do not support President Biden’s proposal in its current form,” said Bolten. “By significantly increasing taxes on corporations, the proposal would be counterproductive to the goal of increasing economic growth and job creation. Such tax increases would make the United States uncompetitive as a place to do business and make U.S. companies uncompetitive globally, slowing recovery and hurting American job creators and employees.
“There are better ways to provide sustainable support for infrastructure investment. The Roundtable has long supported user pays models, which includes business paying its share without jeopardizing a stronger and more equitable economic foundation for all Americans. We also support including measures to streamline the permitting process, which are essential to accelerating U.S. economic recovery and attracting private investment.
“Business Roundtable commits to working with the Administration and Members of Congress from both parties on legislation that can garner the necessary bipartisan support, and can be passed through a bipartisan, regular order process.”