Business Roundtable Statement on Bipartisan Budget Agreement
February 8, 2018
Washington – Mark A. Weinberger, Global Chairman and CEO of EY and Chair of the Business Roundtable Tax and Fiscal Policy Committee today issued the following statement in support of an agreement reached by bipartisan Congressional leaders addressing key budget issues and the debt limit:
“Business Roundtable is encouraged by bipartisan Congressional leaders reaching consensus on a two-year budget agreement and addressing the debt limit. Business confidence remains high, and a failure to address the budget and debt limit would put that confidence at risk. The American economy depends on predictable and sound government actions that help create the conditions for job creation and long-term investment. This bipartisan agreement is a step toward providing the stability our economy needs for sustained growth.
“Many important issues remain, including addressing our nation's long-term fiscal challenges. Congress must also solve the time-sensitive challenge of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Business Roundtable urges policymakers to agree on a solution for DACA recipients before the March deadline.”