Business Roundtable Statement on Conclusion of Four-Year Section 301 Tariff Review

May 14, 2024

Washington - Business Roundtable CEO Joshua Bolten today issued the following statement after the Biden Administration released its findings from the four-year review of Section 301 tariffs:

“Business Roundtable appreciates President Biden’s focus on countering China’s non-market economy practices with strategic investments in U.S. manufacturing capabilities. However, we are disappointed by the Administration’s decision to maintain overly broad tariffs on a vast array of Chinese imports, particularly those unrelated to the underlying Section 301 investigation.
“The Section 301 tariffs have increased costs for American families and businesses, operate as a disincentive to manufacturing in the U.S. and have failed to change China’s practices. They are not a substitute for a comprehensive strategy to strengthen U.S. manufacturing.
“Business Roundtable urges policymakers to pursue new, high-standard trade agreements, especially with our partners in the Indo-Pacific region, to support U.S. manufacturing. We also call on policymakers to support investment in the U.S. by maintaining a competitive tax system and sound approaches to regulation.”