Business Roundtable Statement on COVID-19 Relief Legislation
December 3rd, 2020
Washington – Business Roundtable today released the following statement on COVID-19 relief legislation:
“We are encouraged by renewed discussion on the need for a COVID-19 relief package and support efforts by House and Senate lawmakers to put forth a bipartisan deal. The need for action to strengthen the public health and economic response to the pandemic is urgent, and relief legislation is needed now to protect jobs, small businesses and livelihoods. This legislation should include additional relief for small businesses and targeted relief for families in need, support to keep schools and childcare facilities open and resources to close the digital divide. The relief package should also include additional resources for vaccine distribution and administration, as well as liability protection for businesses that follow federal worker and customer safety guidelines. American families, workers and businesses can’t wait, and we urge policymakers in both chambers to work together and with the Administration to enact a relief package before Congress adjourns for the year.”