Business Roundtable Statement on Immigration Reform

May 16, 2019

Washington – Business Roundtable today issued the following statement regarding the Administration’s framework for immigration legislation:

“Business Roundtable, representing CEOs of leading companies with more than 15 million employees, welcomes efforts by the Administration to modernize the U.S. immigration system. There is broad bipartisan agreement that our immigration system is broken, and Democrats and Republicans must work together to find a durable solution. BRT supports policies that increase the number of skills-based immigrants, particularly in high-demand STEM jobs. We also encourage the use of cutting-edge technology to improve border security and prevent unlawful immigration. On these elements, we look forward to seeing additional details from the Administration.
“A comprehensive solution should address not only skills-based immigration and border security. It should also incorporate policies to improve access to temporary workers with skills needed in the marketplace and provide a practical solution for undocumented immigrants and those living under temporary relief from removal, including Dreamers.”