Business Roundtable Statement on the Trade Security Act

February 6, 2019

Washington – Business Roundtable today issued the following statement regarding the introduction of the Trade Security Act:

"Business Roundtable supports the Trade Security Act and thanks Senators Rob Portman, Joni Ernst, Doug Jones, Lamar Alexander, Dianne Feinstein, Deb Fischer, Kyrsten Sinema and Todd Young, as well as Representatives Ron Kind, Jackie Walorski, Terri Sewell and Darin LaHood for their leadership on reasserting Congress’ constitutional authority over tariffs and regulating foreign commerce. This bill would help ensure that tariffs imposed under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 are narrowly limited to genuine national security threats and would expand Congress’ role to act on any recommendation to impose tariffs. While it is important to address national security threats, Congress has a critical role under the Constitution to protect U.S. workers and businesses from the harm of overbroad unilateral restrictions on free and fair trade. Business Roundtable will continue to work with policymakers on trade policies that will boost U.S. competitiveness.”