ICYMI: Business Roundtable CEO on FOX News: ‘This country’s prosperity was built on successful business’

July 18, 2024

Yesterday, Business Roundtable CEO Joshua Bolten joined "Your World with Neil Cavuto" on FOX News to discuss how the important partnership between employers and employees contributes to continued American prosperity.

On employee success:

"They [Business Roundtable members] recognize that they are in a partnership to be successful. This country has flourished because employers and employees, especially in large corporations, have worked together in partnership. That is what is going to be true in the future and a tone that tries to pit one against the other I don’t think is helpful to anybody."

On economic prosperity:

"This country's prosperity was built on successful business. That will be true in the future just as it has been in the past."

On cooperative success:

"Workers in this country will do well if business does well, and business will do well if the workers do well. That has been what our country has been built on all along."
