Letter from Broad Coalition of Business and Labor Groups Urging Congress to Fund CHIPS Act, Enact Strengthened FABS Act to Boost Domestic Semiconductor Research, Design, Manufacturing

View a PDF of the letter here.

February 16, 2022

Dear Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer, Leader McCarthy, and Leader McConnell:

With both the House and Senate having passed legislation to provide for funding of the CHIPS for America Act, the undersigned associations and labor organizations – representing major sectors of the American economy and millions of workers – urge you to take immediate action to reconcile the two bills and reach a bipartisan compromise on competitiveness legislation for signature by the president. In addition to critical funding for the CHIPS Act, we call on Congress to adopt a strengthened version of the investment tax credit set forth in the FABS Act for both semiconductor manufacturing and design.

It has been over a year since Congress authorized the CHIPS Act in the FY2021 National Defense Authorization Act, and it is essential Congress act swiftly to provide funding to make this law a reality. Our global competitors are investing heavily in semiconductor manufacturing and research, and continued inaction by the U.S. risks placing our country further behind in the competition for economic growth, supply chain resilience, technology leadership, and strengthened national security. The current chip shortage continues, highlighting the critical role of semiconductors throughout the economy and the need to better position the U.S. to weather future supply chain disruptions.

Now is the time to act on this important national priority. Funding for the CHIPS Act as part of a broader competitiveness package will help reinvigorate domestic semiconductor manufacturing and technology development needed to grow our economy and enhance our national security. Additionally, adoption of a strengthened FABS Act will ensure long term success in semiconductor manufacturing and design in the U.S. by incentivizing investment in new, expanded, and upgraded fabs, equipment production facilities, and chip design. We urge immediate action to commence negotiations and work towards a final compromise bill that can swiftly pass both chambers and send this vital legislation to the president’s desk. 



Alliance for Automotive Innovation

American Automotive Policy Council (AAPC)

Autos Drive America

Business Roundtable (BRT)


Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)

IPC – Build Electronics Better

Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA)

National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)

National Electrical Manufacturers Association

North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU)


Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA)

Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA)

Tech CEO Council


Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)

Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA)

US Chamber of Commerce

USTelecom – The Broadband Association
